Water Heater Servicing in Southern Utah

The trained team at Jackson Plumbing and Heating provides installation and repair for a wide variety of water heater and water tank brands and models. Contact us today for a free estimate!

Trained Experts in Water Heater

Trained Experts in Water Heater & Water Tank Installation & Repair

After working with the products for years, we know the advantages to each water heater and water tank option. We can explain the differences between gas and electric water heaters as well as stile storage tank-type water heaters and the new tankless, on-demand water heaters. Before you make your choice on a water heater or water tank, we will ensure you understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type while also evaluating your needs and helping you to decide which system will work best for you.

We sell, install, and repair the following trusted brands of water heaters:

  • Bradford White
  • State
  • A.O. Smith
  • American
  • Rheem

We also offer several brands of tankless water heaters:

  • Rinnai
  • Noritz
  • Takagi
  • Bosch

Contact Us

Bradford White Water Heater
Rinnai Tankless Water HeatersBradford White Water Heaters
We are a factory-authorized, warranty service shop for Bradford White water heaters as well as Rinnai tankless water heaters. We also stock warranty replacement parts for both brands.

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